Sunday, November 15, 2009


This week as you already know the trio will have a sub for the position of flute. It will be a challenge to have someone prepare the music in one rehearsal. We have decided that it will be better to perform as a trio than try to prepare duos for clarinet and bassoon since we have never performed as a duo. One of these days we will tackle that music.
Will let you know how the performance went after Thursday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


November is a quiet month for the group. Zach will be away so we have one performance next week. We will bring in another flute player to sub. This will require a rehearsal and then we are off to one of our favourite locations: Belmont House.
December will be different this year, no Spadina House because it is undergoing renovations. However, our calendar is quite full so we are not complaining.
More about December at a later date.